Learn, Love, Lead: A Journey in Culturally Competent Parenting for Raising Culturally Intelligent Kids


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In this post, we are venturing into the topic of raising culturally competent children. This is a multifaceted subject that cannot be thoroughly covered in just one post, so while I plan to delve into the “how” of nurturing such traits in many upcoming entries, today’s focus will be on identifying the key characteristics of culturally competent kids. Understanding these traits is a crucial step in guiding our children towards becoming empathetic and globally aware individuals.

As a scholar deeply involved in the fields of intercultural communication, cultural competence, and media literacy, I’m passionate about integrating these areas in a distinctive and impactful manner. The inception of this blog was driven by my desire to blend my academic expertise with the real-life experiences of nurturing a culturally competent child. This platform is a space for exploration, learning, and sharing insights aimed at cultivating children who are open-minded, empathetic, and globally aware, beginning within the realms of our own homes.

Understanding Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively interact with people from diverse cultures. It’s a vital skill in our globally connected world. Culturally competent kids display curiosity, respect for differences, and adaptability in varied social environments.

Characteristics of Culturally Competent Children

Such children are open-minded, inquisitive, and empathetic, enabling them to appreciate diverse perspectives and bridge cultural gaps. These traits are nurtured through exposure to various experiences and by observing the behaviors and attitudes of their parents and caregivers.

Home: The Foundation of Cultural Competence

Cultural competence starts in the nurturing environment of the home. Our children are keen observers, often mirroring our attitudes and beliefs. Therefore, it’s essential to cultivate a home atmosphere that emphasizes the value of diversity and inclusion. By embracing and respecting different cultures, while also taking pride in our own, we set a powerful example. Engaging in activities like savoring diverse cuisines and participating in a variety of cultural celebrations can profoundly shape our children’s perspectives and appreciation of the world’s rich tapestry.

High Context Learning

Children are intuitive and absorb more than just words; they pick up on tones, body language, and actions. Therefore, it’s not enough to tell children to respect others; they need to see us demonstrating respect in our daily lives. Our interactions, especially with people from different backgrounds and how we discuss these interactions, serve as impactful lessons in respect and understanding.

Cultural Intelligence in Children

Kids with cultural intelligence view the world and others more accurately and empathetically. This ability helps them build relationships based on deep understanding and empathy.

Raising Compassionate Global Citizens

Our goal is to raise not just well-rounded individuals but also compassionate global citizens. This process requires patience, continuous learning, and abundant love. Let’s embark on this journey together, fostering an environment where our children can thrive in a diverse world, creating meaningful and profound connections.


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