Better, Happier, Healthier Me – The Gift of Motherhood (Getting Started – Prelude 1)

Before starting our parenting journey, Dawoomi and I cherished 13 years together, just the two of us, full of joy and adventure.

Welcome to my first blog post!

I entered motherhood later than most, after 13 years of marriage, and now I’m nurturing a vibrant 5-year-old. My journey to parenthood wasn’t planned; in fact, for years, I actively chose not to have a child. Despite all precautions, life had its own plans and brought me the unexpected gift of motherhood. 

The reasons behind my delayed entry into parenthood are complex. A key factor was the fulfilling life my husband and I shared, deeply immersed in our careers and each other. To me, having a child felt synonymous with sacrifice and selflessness – perceptions likely shaped by my cultural upbringing, which often highlights parental sacrifice, and witnessing my parents’ own life-long dedication to family. 

Transformative Power of Motherhood

However, transitioning into motherhood has offered a new perspective. I’ve realized that parenting is not only about sacrifice; it’s an extraordinary opportunity for joy and growth. 

Thrown into parenthood, I found myself poring over parenting books and child development theories. My academic background as a Communication Ph.D. and extensive research in children and media became instrumental in my parenting approach. Surprisingly, I discovered that parenting offers a pathway to a happier, healthier life, and an opportunity for profound personal development. 

For instance, as someone who can confidently claim expertise in communication and media, with a BA, MA, Ph.D. all in this field, and experience as a tenured professor of media studies in the department of communication, motherhood has been a profound catalyst for reassessing my approach to both communication and media engagement. Observing how my child reflects my verbal and non-verbal communication habits has prompted a thorough introspection and refinement of my own communication styles. Regarding media use, I now engage with media more intentionally than ever before, although not always perfectly. Mostly, I focus on what’s truly essential. 

This transformation in parenthood extends beyond just communication and media habits. It has reshaped my entire lifestyle – from dietary choices and sleep patterns to social interactions and mental wellness. My child, in many ways, has become a catalyst for my personal growth.

Navigating the Intricate Pathways of Parenting

The lessons of parenthood extend far beyond basic skills such as how to interact with children, what to say in certain situations, and how to ensure their healthy growth. It’s about comprehending the intricate web of life woven by parenting, where every aspect is interconnected and significant.

In sharing my journey with you, I plan to delve into these multifaceted dimensions of parenting. Topics like communication, media, and culture cannot be viewed in isolation; they are part of a broader narrative. This blog is about looking at the bigger picture, understanding how all these elements are intertwined, and growing together through this journey.

Thank you for joining me. I’m excited to navigate the complexities and joys of parenthood with you.

My guiding light, shaping me into a better person every day.

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